C Taylor - Pro Ecclesia, 2003 - journals.sagepub.com
To help achieve those ends and bring together Palestinians and Israelis, Gopin describes dozens of existing programs, such as Dahlia and Yehezkel Landau's Open House, a school …
In times of crisis, humans have a tendency to turn to religion for comfort and explanation. The COVID-19 pandemic is no exception. Using daily and weekly data on Google searches …
Los griegos no tenían un único término para expresar lo que nosotros entendemos con la palabra vida. Se servían de dos términos:'zoé', que expresaba el simple hecho de vivir …
D De Coninck - International Migration Review, 2023 - journals.sagepub.com
Since Russia invaded Ukraine in March 2022, Ukrainians have been displaced from their country in record pace and in massive numbers. Although some have been displaced within …
Единственное в мировой историографии комплексное системное обобщающее исследование социальной истории России с конца XVII в. до 1917 г. Под углом зрения …
British Psychology Society Textbook of the Year 2020 Why do people who are more socially connected live longer and have better health than those who are socially isolated? Why are …
O livro reúne oito conferências em que o antropólogo e filósofo Bruno Latour invoca a noção de Gaia para refletir sobre a catástrofe ecológica contemporânea. Reexaminando a" …
El cambio climático es parte de la discusión pública, y la conciencia ecológica se expande como consenso social. Sin embargo, todavía estamos presos de una visión de la naturaleza …
Background: Recent years have seen a resurgence of research on the potential of psychedelic substances to treat addictive and mood disorders. Historically and …