Özet Bu çalışma, mahalli ismi “İçi Kırmızı Uruset” veya “Badele Elması” olarak bilinen ve coğrafi işareti alınan Posof Elmasının bazı pomolojik özelliklerini belirlemek amacıyla …
The fruit breeding studies require a long process and high costs. Therefore, hybridization and mutation breeding in some countries such as Turkey were thrown into the background …
Apple is a delicious and economic fruit that is important in human health and nutrition, which can be found in every season in the market, and consumed widely. In apple production in …
E Kaçal, FA Yıldırım - Derim, 2011 - dergipark.org.tr
Apple scab is a fungal disease caused by Venturia inaequalis. It causes great economic losses in the world apple production. Losses are caused by fruit infections affecting the yield …
[引用][C]Erwinia amylovoraya dayanıklı elma çeşitlerini ve genotiplerini belirleyebilmek için erken seleksiyona olanak sağlayacak bir belirteç tespiti çalışması