The Portrait of Character Education in Yadnya Enactment Among Hindu Society

IGP Yasa - Jurnal Penelitian Agama Hindu, 2023 -
In general, ordinary people are of the view that being religious is doing yadnya in the form of
a ceremony. In good economic conditions, this will not cause problems, but in declining …

Preservation of Arts through Training Gamelan Semar Pegulingan in the Batur Traditional Village| Pelestarian Seni Melalui Pelatihan Gamelan Semar Pegulingan di …

INW Adnyana - GHURNITA: Jurnal Seni Karawitan, 2024 -
Abstract Batur Traditional Village is a village located to the north of Bangli city, precisely in
Kintamani District. Batur Traditional Village is an old traditional village characterized by the …

Balaganjur Training to Foster Young Generation Spirit in Ulian Village| Pelatihan Balaganjur untuk Menumbuhkan Semangat Generasi Muda Di Desa Ulian

INW Adnyana - GHURNITA: Jurnal Seni Karawitan, 2023 -
Ulian Village is located in the northern corner of the city of Bangli, to be precise, in the
Kintamani District. The Kintamani region has its characteristics, where most people work as …


NNK Warponi, NIMEK Dewi - SWARA WIDYA …, 2022 -
Religion is a system of behavior and human relations that is based on human relations with
the secret of power and magic that is infinite, deep and intimate, so that it gives meaning to …