The study of water absorption by capillarity on paper with a simple technique is simple but important to do to inform the public about the characteristics of paper and for the …
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh jenis mulsa organik dan intensitas penyiraman terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman kacang hijau (Vigna radiata L.) di …
Physics, a branch of natural science, studies various natural phenomena, including matter and energy, and the interactions between the two. Students often struggle to understand …
I Fajari, B Syah, D Sugiono - Jurnal Agroplasma, 2023 -
Hydroponics is a planting system in agriculture that uses a mixture of water and nutrient solutions as a growth medium to replace the role of soil in meeting nutrient needs and uses …
S Ardiani - Abdimas Singkerru, 2021 -
Seiring dengan kemajuan teknologi, penggunaan plastik semakin meningkat tiap tahunnya. Data dari kementrian perindustrian konsumsi plastik di Indonesia mancapai 1, 9 juta ton …
Sistem irigasi growick merupakan sistem irigasi yang berada di bawah tanah dengan prinsip kapilaritas. Penggunaan lebar sumbu dalam sistem growick mampu memenuhi …
METODE Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif (sugiono, 2011) dengan menggunakan metode tes dan pengukuran yang akan dilakukan percobaan …
Hydroponic technologies offer an alternative way to cultivate cherry tomatoes in times when a downfall is seen in productive agricultural land. This research aims to know the correlation …
I Rufaydah, U Wahyuningsih - BAJU: Journal of Fashion and …, 2023 -
Daisies are often referred to as stars, have many types of colors that make anyone stunned to see them. With its beauty, daisies are used as a source of ideas for the creation of a …