Analisis Lingkungan Baik dan Buruk Dalam Al-Qur'an

DI Sultani, S Nahar, M Al Farabi - Edukasi Islami …, 2023 -
Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Islam dan lingkungan pendidikan. Yaitu mengetahui
lingkungan pendidikan yang baik dan buruk. Menggunakan metode kepustakaan (library …

Environmental Ethics Relevance in Theology Perspective: An overview from Islamic, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, and Confucian

I Sari, WOY Karantina, A Pratiwi… - Journal of …, 2024 -
Environmental ethics is an important issue in the context of sustainability and environmental
protection. This research aims to discuss Islamic, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, and Confucian …

Dampak Penetapan Izin Praktek Tambang Emas Tumpang Pitu Perspektif Fikih Sosial KH. Sahal Mahfudh

Z Mun'im - Asy-Syari'ah, 2024 -
Penambangan emas seringkali menjadi perhatian khusus mengingat aktvitas tersebut
memiliki dampak yang signifikan terhadap lingkungan. Tulisan ini mengkaji dampak …


M Syihabuddin, Z Mubaraq, ML Mustofa - Al'Adalah, 2023 -
Environmental problems become humanitarian problems, such as damaged area layers,
erosion, and disease outbreaks that make the ecosystem unbalanced, which will endanger …

Hubungan Antara Kepeduliaan Lingkungan dan Partisipasi Pemuda dalam Kegiatan Pelestarian Lingkungan

AH Nurlina, F Nailufar, HE Putri, H Fajrussalam… - Jurnal Abdidas, 2024 -
Pemanasan global pada saat ini yang semakin parah di akibatkan oleh lingkungan yang
sudah tidak terjaga kelestariannya dan ini telah menjadi permasalahan pokok dunia yang …

Arne Naess's Thoughts on Environmental Ethics in Islamic Perspective

K Umam, AH Jakiyudin, MS Hidayat, IA Roslan - KALAM, 2024 -
Environmental ethics from deep ecology theory by Arne Naess is seen as giving a lot of
attention to environmental issues and the sustainability of life. This theory is used as an …

Environmental Ethics in Tafsir of the Qur'an (Study of Surah Ar-Rum Verse 41 Quraish Shihab's perspective)

Y Yayah, J Ghianovan, A Ash - Riwayat: Educational Journal of …, 2024 -
This research explores the concept of environmental ethics in the Qur'an with a particular
focus on the interpretation of Surah Ar-Rum verse 41, which contains an important message …

Penghijauan di Areal Akademi Komunitas Olat Maras Kabupaten Sumbawa: Greening in the Olat Maras Community Academy Area, Sumbawa Regency

M Musmulyadin, I Irwansyah… - Experimental …, 2022 -
Community service in the Olat Maras Community Academy area is carried out in the form of
greening activities to restore the natural environment of Pernek Village, Moyo Hulu District …

An Empirical Approach in Culinary Fiqh of Coastal Communities: Critical Study of 'Aysh al-Baḥr

Z Mun'im, A Kaya - Al-Ahkam, 2023 -
The lives of fishermen are said to have a profound influence on the lives of coastal towns.
Their attitude toward marine resources effects their theological perspective as well. This fact …

Lawsuit Against the Regent of Mandailing Natal Over the Location Permit for Plasma Land from the Perspective of Fiqh Siyasah (Analysis Study of Ptun Decision …

I Hamid, H Firmansyah - LEGAL BRIEF, 2025 -
Land or territory is the main element of a country. In the perspective of fiqh siyasah, which
regulates politics and government in Islam, land dispute cases on Batahan Plasma land as …