Abstract Background The phylogeny of Cnidaria has been a source of debate for decades, during which nearly all-possible relationships among the major lineages have been …
Cnidaria, the sister group to Bilateria, is a highly diverse group of animals in terms of morphology, lifecycles, ecology, and development. How this diversity originated and evolved …
In this New York Times bestseller and longlist nominee for the National Book Award,“our greatest living chronicler of the natural world”(The New York Times), David Quammen …
Nearly half of the animal phyla contain species that propagate asexually via agametic reproduction, often forming colonies of genetically identical modules, that is, ramets, zooids …
Background Cnidaria (corals, sea anemones, hydroids, jellyfish) is a phylum of relatively simple aquatic animals characterized by the presence of the cnidocyst: a cell containing a …
Leptothecata are hydrozoans whose hydranths are covered by perisarc and gonophores and whose medusae bear gonads on their radial canals. They develop complex polypoid …
Abstract Background Anthozoa, Endocnidozoa, and Medusozoa are the 3 major clades of Cnidaria. Medusozoa is further divided into 4 clades, Hydrozoa, Staurozoa, Cubozoa, and …
Innovation is a key to evolutionary success and entrance into novel ecosystems. 1 Species that float freely at the ocean's surface, termed obligate neuston (also called pleuston, here …
The Portuguese man of war, Physalia physalis, is one of the most conspicuous, but poorly understood members of the pleuston, a community of organisms that occupy a habitat at the …