CC Demchak - The Cyber Defense Review, 2016 - JSTOR
Cyberspace is becoming bordered and moving away from westernized civil society control. Governments and major organizations are building a “Cyber Westphalia” of bordered …
Discover how rivalling discourses of American grand strategy reveal a fractured consensus of geopolitical identity and national security under President Obama. This conflict manifested …
Sicherheitspolitik beherrscht die Schlagzeilen, doch die komplexen Zusammenhänge bleiben oft undurchschaubar. Dieser Band leistet eine problemorientierte Hilfestellung, um …
Der Angriffskrieg Russlands gegen die Ukraine im Frühjahr 2022 wird die sicherheitspolitische Lage auf absehbare Zeit dominieren. Trotzdem müssen auch andere …
The landscape of space policy, much like the realm with which it concerns itself, is vast and largely unexplored. As political scientists, we have left this policy area mainly to those …
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar o papel do estreito de Ormuz nas dinâmicas de competição no Golfo Pérsico. Ormuz é um estreito geograficamente estratégico, uma vez …
14. ABSTRACT The Cyber Defense Review is a forum for current and emerging research on cyber operations focused on the strategy, operations, tactics, history, ethics, law and policy …