Climate change, coral loss, and the curious case of the parrotfish paradigm: why don't marine protected areas improve reef resilience?

JF Bruno, IM Côté, LT Toth - Annual review of marine science, 2019 -
Scientists have advocated for local interventions, such as creating marine protected areas
and implementing fishery restrictions, as ways to mitigate local stressors to limit the effects of …

Coral reef conservation in the Anthropocene: Confronting spatial mismatches and prioritizing functions

DR Bellwood, MS Pratchett, TH Morrison… - Biological …, 2019 - Elsevier
The world's coral reefs are rapidly transforming, with decreasing coral cover and new
species configurations. These new Anthropocene reefs pose a challenge for conservation; …

[HTML][HTML] Coral reefs benefit from reduced land–sea impacts under ocean warming

JM Gove, GJ Williams, J Lecky, E Brown, E Conklin… - Nature, 2023 -
Coral reef ecosystems are being fundamentally restructured by local human impacts and
climate-driven marine heatwaves that trigger mass coral bleaching and mortality. Reducing …

[HTML][HTML] Ocean solutions to address climate change and its effects on marine ecosystems

JP Gattuso, AK Magnan, L Bopp… - Frontiers in Marine …, 2018 -
The Paris Agreement target of limiting global surface warming to 1.5–2° C compared to pre-
industrial levels by 2100 will still heavily impact the ocean. While ambitious mitigation and …

Predicting climate-driven regime shifts versus rebound potential in coral reefs

NAJ Graham, S Jennings, MA MacNeil, D Mouillot… - Nature, 2015 -
Climate-induced coral bleaching is among the greatest current threats to coral reefs, causing
widespread loss of live coral cover. Conditions under which reefs bounce back from …

Climate change threatens the world's marine protected areas

JF Bruno, AE Bates, C Cacciapaglia, EP Pike… - Nature Climate …, 2018 -
Marine protected areas (MPAs) are a primary management tool for mitigating threats to
marine biodiversity,. MPAs and the species they protect, however, are increasingly being …

[HTML][HTML] The future of resilience-based management in coral reef ecosystems

E Mcleod, KRN Anthony, PJ Mumby, J Maynard… - Journal of environmental …, 2019 - Elsevier
Resilience underpins the sustainability of both ecological and social systems. Extensive loss
of reef corals following recent mass bleaching events have challenged the notion that …

The ocean

O Hoegh-Guldberg, R Cai, ES Poloczanska… - 2014 -
The Ocean plays a central role in Earth's climate and has absorbed 93% of the extra energy
from the enhanced greenhouse effect and approximately 30% of anthropogenic carbon …

Marine reserves can mitigate and promote adaptation to climate change

CM Roberts, BC O'Leary… - Proceedings of the …, 2017 - National Acad Sciences
Strong decreases in greenhouse gas emissions are required to meet the reduction trajectory
resolved within the 2015 Paris Agreement. However, even these decreases will not avert …

The importance of structural complexity in coral reef ecosystems

NAJ Graham, KL Nash - Coral reefs, 2013 - Springer
The importance of structural complexity in coral reefs has come to the fore with the global
degradation of reef condition; however, the limited scale and replication of many studies …