Optimal design of launch vehicles is a complex problem which requires the use of specific techniques called Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO) methods. MDO …
Analytical target cascading is a method for design optimization of hierarchical, multilevel systems. A quadratic penalty relaxation of the system consistency constraints is used to …
The rapid introduction of sophisticated computers, services, telecommunications systems, and manufacturing systems has caused a major shift in the way people use and work with …
Being one of the most important problems in machining, chatter vibrations must be avoided as they result in high cutting forces, poor surface finish, and unacceptable part quality. Using …
The solution of complex system design problems using decomposition-based optimization methods requires determination of appropriate problem partitioning and coordination …
ANALYTICAL target cascading (ATC)[1–5] is a hierarchical, multilevel, multidisciplinary methodology for large-scale system design. In ATC, a large-scale system is assumed to be …
AB Ryberg, R Domeij Bäckryd, L Nilsson - 2012 - diva-portal.org
When designing a complex product, many groups are concurrently developing different parts or aspects of the product using detailed simulation models. Multidisciplinary design …
DW Shahan, CC Seepersad - 2012 - asmedigitalcollection.asme.org
Complex engineering design problems are often decomposed into a set of interdependent, distributed subproblems that are solved by domain-specific experts. These experts must …
S Tosserams, LFP Etman, JE Rooda - Structural and Multidisciplinary …, 2007 - Springer
Several decomposition methods have been proposed for the distributed optimal design of quasi-separable problems encountered in Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO) …