The relationship between religion and education in the Minahasa community still receives inadequate attention. One part of local wisdom that has experienced degradation of its noble …
This study aims to see how the community views the religious reality in Minahasa, what factors encourage the creation of inter-religious harmony in Minahasa, and how the local …
The purpose of this study is to describe the learning process of Civic Education in schools and identify the values of local wisdom of the people of North Sulawesi that can be used as …
The emergence of various security and public order issues in Southeast Minahasa Regency such as criminal acts, inter-group conflict, and inter-village conflict proves that the level of …
Puji dan syukur dipanjatkan kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa karena atas berkat dan kehendak-Nya buku ini dapat diselesaikan. Buku ini sengaja ditulis sebagai bahan referensi …
Indonesia is a country with a very high degree of diversity. This situation has a positive and a negative impact on the lives of Indonesian people. High levels of diversity give the …
The perspective of disaster has shifted from that of an inevitable catastrophe to a natural phenomenon in which the impact can be reduced by strengthening existing capacity within …
Conflicts in Indonesia today indicate intolerance towards other religions and cultures. Several places such as Ambon, Papua, Kalimantan and Posso have experienced the …
YE Mullatifah - 2023 -
Pariwisata di Indonesia diperlakukan sebagai suatu industri yang diharapkan mampu menunjang perekonomian yaitu dengan mengembangan pariwisata untuk menarik …