Detrended fluctuation analysis: a scale-free view on neuronal oscillations

R Hardstone, SS Poil, G Schiavone, R Jansen… - Frontiers in …, 2012 -
Recent years of research have shown that the complex temporal structure of ongoing
oscillations is scale-free and characterized by long-range temporal correlations. Detrended …

A computational method to extract macroscopic variables and their dynamics in multiscale systems

G Froyland, GA Gottwald, A Hammerlindl - SIAM Journal on Applied …, 2014 - SIAM
This paper introduces coordinate-independent methods for analyzing multiscale dynamical
systems using numerical techniques based on the transfer operator and its adjoint. In …

[图书][B] Stochastic parameterizing manifolds and non-Markovian reduced equations: stochastic manifolds for nonlinear SPDEs II

MD Chekroun, H Liu, S Wang - 2014 -
In this second volume, a general approach is developed to provide approximate
parameterizations of the" small" scales by the" large" ones for a broad class of stochastic …

Building a Maxey–Riley framework for surface ocean inertial particle dynamics

FJ Beron-Vera, MJ Olascoaga, P Miron - Physics of Fluids, 2019 -
A framework for the study of surface ocean inertial particle motion is built from the Maxey–
Riley set. A new set is obtained by vertically averaging each term of the original set, adapted …

[图书][B] Approximation of stochastic invariant manifolds: stochastic manifolds for nonlinear SPDEs I

MD Chekroun, H Liu, S Wang - 2015 - Springer
The intriguing figure from the previous page presents a visualization of the type of manifolds
this monograph is concerned with. First, obtained as a graph over some chosen linearized …

[HTML][HTML] Reduction methods in climate dynamics—a brief review

F Hummel, P Ashwin, C Kuehn - Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 2023 - Elsevier
Currently the number of reduction methods used in practice in climate applications is vast
and tends to be difficult to access for researchers searching for an overview of the area. In …

Data-driven reduction for a class of multiscale fast-slow stochastic dynamical systems

CJ Dsilva, R Talmon, CW Gear, RR Coifman… - SIAM Journal on Applied …, 2016 - SIAM
Multi-time-scale stochastic dynamical systems are ubiquitous in science and engineering,
and the reduction of such systems and their models to only their slow components is often …

Dimension reduction for stochastic dynamical systems forced onto a manifold by large drift: a constructive approach with examples from theoretical biology

TL Parsons, T Rogers - Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and …, 2017 -
Abstract Systems composed of large numbers of interacting agents often admit an effective
coarse-grained description in terms of a multidimensional stochastic dynamical system …

The role of additive and multiplicative noise in filtering complex dynamical systems

GA Gottwald, J Harlim - Proceedings of the Royal Society …, 2013 -
Covariance inflation is an ad hoc treatment that is widely used in practical real-time data
assimilation algorithms to mitigate covariance underestimation owing to model errors …

Critical fluctuations in cortical models near instability

MJ Aburn, CA Holmes, JA Roberts… - Frontiers in …, 2012 -
Computational studies often proceed from the premise that cortical dynamics operate in a
linearly stable domain, where fluctuations dissipate quickly and show only short memory …