We present a theory for describing the inner structure of the electron bunch in the bubble regime starting from a random distribution of electrons inside the bubble and subsequently …
Teilchenbeschleuniger stellen ein fundamentales Werkzeug zur Untersuchung der Grundlagen der Physik dar. Häufig werden dazu Linearbeschleuniger eingesetzt, die ein …
We study the influence of finite-emittance electron bunches in the bubble regime of laser- driven wakefield acceleration onto the microscopic structure of the bunch itself. Using …
This book on laser circuits and systems: Nonlinearity applications in engineering covers and deals with two separate engineering and scientific areas and what between. It gives …
Laser-driven plasma wakefield acceleration (LWFA) is of great interest for future acceleration setups, since high particle energies can be achieved at small distances due to …
The spatial structure of an ultralow-emittance electron bunch in the plasma wake eld bubble regimeisstudied. ThefullLiénard-Wiechertpotentialsareconsideredformutuali…-particle …