Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly transforming the regulatory compliance landscape in the oil and gas industry. This paper examines the profound impact of AI on ensuring …
M Hall - Greening Criminology in the 21st Century, 2016 -
The development of green criminology has proceeded apace over the last 20 years, with a substantial increase in the number of commentators identifying themselves as working …
Following each of three major disasters—the financial crisis, the Gulf oil spill, and the nuclear meltdown in Japan—policymakers responded by overhauling the associated …
Elsősorban köszönetet szeretnék mondani mindhárom opponensemnek, akik ennyi időt, energiát, szellemi kapacitást szántak arra, hogy elolvassák és véleményezzék …
Regulatory organizations can be structured in different ways, and choices about their organizational structure can impact regulators' behavior and performance, both overall as …
Purpose: This research involved a study of the Compliance Framework of a financial services regulator and focuses specifically on the challenge faced by Supervisors in how to …
Primeiro e acima de tudo agradeço aos meus pais Cezar e Márcia e a minha irmã Camila, que são à base da minha existência, que me deram a oportunidade de viver e ensinaram o …
I am submitting this thesis to the Faculty of Law, the University of Ottawa in fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D.) in August 2016. The thesis …