Some axioms for mathematics

F Blanqui, G Dowek, É Grienenberger… - FSCD 2021-6th …, 2021 -
The λΠ-calculus modulo theory is a logical framework in which many logical systems can be
expressed as theories. We present such a theory, the theory $\mathcal {U} $, where proofs of …

[PDF][PDF] A modular construction of type theories

F Blanqui, G Dowek, E Grienenberger… - Logical Methods in …, 2023 -
The λΠ-calculus modulo theory is a logical framework in which many type systems can be
expressed as theories. We present such a theory, the theory U, where proofs of several …

The new rewriting engine of dedukti

G Hondet, F Blanqui - arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.16115, 2020 -
Dedukti is a type-checker for the $\lambda $$\Pi $-calculus modulo rewriting, an extension
of Edinburgh's logicalframework LF where functions and type symbols can be defined by …

Adequate and computational encodings in the logical framework Dedukti

T Felicissimo - arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.02883, 2022 -
Dedukti is a very expressive logical framework which unlike most frameworks, such as the
Edinburgh Logical Framework (LF), allows for the representation of computation alongside …

Experiences from exporting major proof assistant libraries

M Kohlhase, F Rabe - Journal of Automated Reasoning, 2021 - Springer
The interoperability of proof assistants and the integration of their libraries is a highly valued
but elusive goal in the field of theorem proving. As a preparatory step, in previous work, we …

Translating proofs from an impredicative type system to a predicative one

T Felicissimo, F Blanqui, AK Barnawal - arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.05700, 2022 -
As the development of formal proofs is a time-consuming task, it is important to devise ways
of sharing the already written proofs to prevent wasting time redoing them. One of the …

A framework for erased syntax and bidirectional typing

T Felicissimo - arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.08523, 2023 -
We introduce CompLF, a logical framework allowing for the definition of computational type
theories--that is, those whose definitional equality is purely generated by rewrite rules. Its …

Encoding agda programs using rewriting

G Genestier - FSCD-5th International Conference on Formal …, 2020 -
We present in this paper an encoding in an extension with rewriting of the Edimburgh
Logical Framework (LF)[Harper et al., 1993] of two common features: universe …

Safe, fast, concurrent proof checking for the lambda-pi calculus modulo rewriting

M Färber - Proceedings of the 11th ACM SIGPLAN International …, 2022 -
Several proof assistants, such as Isabelle or Coq, can concurrently check multiple proofs. In
contrast, the vast majority of today's small proof checkers either does not support …

Terms for Efficient Proof Checking and Parsing

M Färber - Proceedings of the 12th ACM SIGPLAN International …, 2023 -
Proofs automatically generated by interactive or automated theorem provers are often
several orders of magnitude larger than proofs written by hand. This implies significant …