[图书][B] Finance for normal people: how investors and markets behave

M Statman - 2017 - books.google.com
Finance for Normal People teaches behavioral finance to people like you and me-normal
people, neither rational nor irrational. We are consumers, savers, investors, and managers …

Social traits and credit card default: a two-stage prediction framework

C Gaganis, P Papadimitri, F Pasiouras… - Annals of Operations …, 2023 - Springer
Over the past years, studies shed light on how social norms and perceptions potentially
affect loan repayments, with overtones for strategic default. Motivated by this strand of the …

[HTML][HTML] Communication and hidden action: A credit market experiment

M Brown, J Schmitz, C Zehnder - Journal of Economic Behavior & …, 2024 - Elsevier
We study the impact of pre-contractual communication on market outcomes when economic
relationships are subject to hidden action. Our experiment is framed in a credit market …

Should I default on my mortgage even if I can pay? Experimental evidence

M Pavan, I Barreda-Tarrazona - Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2020 - Elsevier
We study strategic default in the laboratory, ie, in a controlled experiment. Subjects are
initially endowed with a house and a mortgage (we use neutral wording in the experiment) …

Do financial misconduct experiences spur white-collar crime?

S Andersen, T Hanspal, KM Nielsen - 2019 - research.cbs.dk
We use individual police records on criminal activity to investigate whether personal
experiences with financial misconduct spur white-collar crime. Experiences with financial …

Trends in value priorities across western Europe-a latent growth curve modeling

V Mentus - Sociologija, 2024 - doiserbia.nb.rs
In this paper, we explore trends in value priorities on a countrylevel across Western Europe
using the Schwartz typology of personal values. We analyze the significance of the time …

Trendovi vrednosnih prioriteta u Zapadnoj Evropi–Modelovanje krivama latentnog rasta

VS Mentus - Sociologija, 2024 - ceeol.com
In this paper, we explore trends in value priorities on a country-levelacross Western Europe
using the Schwartz typology of personal values. Weanalyze the significance of the time …

Essays on Moral Decision Making

MI de la Fuente - 2024 - escholarship.org
People often use their sense of right and wrong to influence their decision making
processes. Most people consider values like fairness, loyalty, care, and honesty as important …

Can a nudge make debtors budge?: four field experiments on payment reminders

A Saulītis - 2020 - cadmus.eui.eu
This dissertation tests various messaging strategies to improve debt repayment among
overindebted individuals. In order to do so, I carry out four field experiments in cooperation …

Experience is the Best Teacher: Financial Misconduct and White-Collar Crime

S Andersen, T Hanspal, KM Nielsen - 2019 - research.cbs.dk
This study investigates the determinants of white-collar crime and its increased prevalence
in the aftermath of the global financial crisis. We link detailed individual police records on …