The aim of this work is to describe the different ways languages express focus and to explain why languages use exactly these ways. I give a detailed account of focus in three …
In this introductory article we provide an overview of the range of the phenomena that can be referred to as differential argument marking (DAM). We begin with an overview of the …
Sanzhi Dargwa belongs to the Dargwa (Dargi) languages (ISO dar; Glottocode sanz1248) which form a subgroup of the East Caucasian (Nakh-Dagestanian) language family. Sanzhi …
This study investigates the linguistic realization of information structure (IS) in Turkish. Following Vallduvı́ and Engdahl [Linguistics 34 (1996) 459], Hoffman (Hoffman, B., 1995 …
In Classical Greek Syntax: Wackernagel's Law in Herodotus, David Goldstein offers the first theoretically-informed study of second-position clitics in Ancient Greek and challenges the …
This dissertation deals with dislocation structures, particularly with Clitic Right Dislocation and with Clitic Left Dislocation. The main guideline of the analysis is that the form of syntactic …
A production study is presented that investigates the effects of word order and information structural context on the prosodic realization of declarative sentences in Hindi. Previous …
This book examines several thousand examples of tense-aspect stem participles in the Rigveda, and the passages in which they appear, in terms of both their syntax and …
TH King - Proceedings of the LFG97 Conference, 1997 - Citeseer
Con gurational languages like English and non-con gurational languages like Russian use both syntax and prosody to encode discourse functions. This crucial interaction of syntax …