Anuarul Universităţii “Petre Andrei” din Iaşi Fascicula: Drept, Ştiinţe Economice, Ştiinţe Politice

WC Scholar, S KVK -
In the case of using the permanent inventory method, the exits or consumption of the
packaging stocks can also be achieved by using the pre-established or standard price …

Evidenţierea reducerilor de preţ în contabilitatea furnizorului.

FI SCORŢESCU… - Anuarul Universitatii'Petre …, 2022 -
In the activity of companies a significant share is held by commercial activities. They give
rise to expenses and revenues and have an impact on the debts to the suppliers and/or the …

Considerations Regarding Price Differences Registered on Packaging

FI SCORȚESCU… - … Universitatii" Petre Andrei …, 2021 -
In the case of using the permanent inventory method, the exits or consumption of the
packaging stocks can also be achieved by using the pre-established or standard price …

Highlighting Price Reductions in Customer Accounting

FI SCORȚESCU - Anuarul Universitatii" Petre Andrei" din Iasi …, 2021 -
The commercial operations have a particularly large share in the activity of the patrimonial
units. These operations generate income and expenses, affecting debts to suppliers and …

Highlighting Price Reductions in Provider Accounting

FI Scorţescu, G Scorţescu - Anuarul Universitatii" Petre Andrei …, 2022 -
In the activity of companies a significant share is held by commercial activities. They give
rise to expenses and revenues and have an impact on the debts to the suppliers and/or the …

Evidenţierea reducerilor de preţ în contabilitatea clientului

FI Scorţescu - Anuarul Universităţii» Petre Andrei «Iaşi-Fascicula …, 2021 -
The commercial operations have a particularly large share in the activity of the patrimonial
units. These operations generate income and expenses, affecting debts to suppliers and …

Recunoaşterea şi evaluarea provizioanelor conform IAS 37 „Provizioane, datorii contingente şi active contingente”

L Grabarovschi - Contabilitatea, 2017 -
Scopul principal al IAS 37 constă în stabilirea criteriilor pentru recunoaşterea şi evaluarea
provizioanelor, datoriilor contingente şi activelor contingente, precum şi determinarea …