[HTML][HTML] Pushbroom hyperspectral data orientation by combining feature-based and area-based co-registration techniques

K Barbieux - Remote Sensing, 2018 - mdpi.com
Direct georeferencing of airborne pushbroom scanner data usually suffers from the limited
precision of navigation sensors onboard of the aircraft. The bundle adjustment of images …

Estimating the water turbidity in the Selenga River and adjacent waters of Lake Baikal using remote sensing data

MK Tarasov, OV Tutubalina - Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 2018 - Springer
The relationship between the DN/reflectance values of Landsat 5 TM, Landsat 8 OLI, and UK‑
DMC2 SLIM-6-22 imagery and the concentration of total suspended matter (TSM) in the …

Environmental field estimation with hybrid-mobility sensor networks

WC Evans, D Dias, S Roelofsen… - 2016 IEEE International …, 2016 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The remarkable accessibility of modern flying robots makes them an attractive platform for
environmental sensing. However, low cost and ease of use are currently incompatible with …

[图书][B] Water and environment in the Selenga-Baikal Basin: international research cooperation for an ecoregion of global relevance

D Karthe, S Chalov, N Kasimov, M Kappas - 2016 - books.google.com
The water resources of the Selenga River/Lake Baikal system are essential to the
ecosystems and economic development of the surrounding region. In this large river and …

Методика определения мутности воды в р. Селенге и прилегающей акватории оз. Байкал по данным дистанционного зондирования

МК Тарасов, ОВ Тутубалина - Исследование Земли из космоса, 2018 - elibrary.ru
На основе полевых данных замеров мутности воды в 2011 и 2013 гг. получены
зависимости между яркостью снимков Landsat 5 TM, Landsat 8 OLI, UK-DMC2 SLIM-6-22 …

A new smoothness based strategy for semi-supervised atmospheric correction: application to the Léman-Baïkal campaign

M Cubero-Castan, D Constantin… - 2015 7th Workshop …, 2015 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The estimation of reflectance from hyperspectral data, a process called atmospheric
correction, is a critical first step in hyperspectral image processing. Most of the current …

Опыт создания спектральной библиотеки водной и наземной растительности ключевых участков дельты р. Селенга

ОВ Тутубалина, МВ Зимин, ЕИ Голубева… - Экология. Экономика …, 2015 - elibrary.ru
With the development of space technologies, the main objective is to facilitate the access of
information, which is a crucial factor for success. Consequently, the development of systems …

Airborne hyperspectral sensor radiometric self-calibration using near-infrared properties of deep water and vegetation

K Barbieux, V Nouchi… - Remote Sensing of the …, 2016 - spiedigitallibrary.org
Retrieving the water-leaving reflectance from airborne hyperspectral data implies to deal
with three steps. Firstly, the radiance recorded by an airborne sensor comes from several …

[PDF][PDF] Problem description

M Cubero-Castan, M Tarasov, G Shinkareva… - researchgate.net
Many atmospheric correction methods have been designed over the last three decades,
assuming field measurements or available atmospheric profiles, like the FLAASH method …

[PDF][PDF] Calibration of airborne water reflectance measurements

K Barbieux - researchgate.net
Studying the water quality of large lakes is a challenging task. For instance, collecting water
samples is time-consuming and insufficient for studying the microproperties of water for a …