Design and experimental verification of compact frequency-selective surface with quasi-elliptic bandpass response

GQ Luo, W Hong, QH Lai, K Wu… - IEEE transactions on …, 2007 -
A compact frequency-selective surface (FSS) having a quasi-elliptic bandpass response is
presented in this paper. This was realized by vertically cascading substrate integrated …

A novel band-reject frequency selective surface with pseudo-elliptic response

AK Rashid, Z Shen - IEEE Transactions on Antennas and …, 2010 -
A novel frequency selective surface (FSS) exhibiting pseudo-elliptic band-reject response is
presented. The proposed FSS consists of a two-dimensional periodic array of microstrip …

Design and analysis of a high-selectivity frequency-selective surface at 60 GHz

P Zhao, CH Chan - IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory …, 2016 -
This work applies aperture-coupled resonators (ACRs) to realize a high-selectivity frequency-
selective surface (FSS) at 60 GHz. In a generic ACR FSS, one or both of electrical and …

Synthesis of quasi-elliptic bandpass frequency-selective surface using cascaded loop arrays

B Li, Z Shen - IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2013 -
A new quasi-elliptic bandpass frequency-selective surface (FSS) is presented by cascading
a two-dimensional periodic array of double square loops (DSLs) and an array of gridded …

High roll-off frequency selective surface with quasi-elliptic bandpass response

GW Chen, SW Wong, Y Li, RS Chen… - … on Antennas and …, 2021 -
A high roll-off, third-order frequency selective surface (FSS) with quasi-elliptic bandpass
response is presented. It is based on substrate integrated waveguide technology. Its unit cell …

Bandpass frequency selective structure with improved out-of-band rejection using stacked single-layer slotlines

B Li, X Huang, L Zhu, Y Zhang, Y Tang… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2018 -
In this paper, a class of bandpass frequency selective structures (FSSs) with improved out-of-
band rejection is proposed by using stacked slotlines. The proposed FSS consists of a …

High-selectivity bandpass frequency-selective surface in terahertz band

BJ Chen, CH Chan - IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science …, 2016 -
A terahertz (THz) bandpass frequency-selective surface (FSS) with high selectivity is
proposed in this work. The three-layered FSS filter consists of identical tripole resonators …

Hybrid capacitive and inductive coupling paths for implementing quasi-elliptical high-order bandpass fss with high out-of-band suppression

H Jiang, S Liao, Q Xue - IEEE Transactions on Antennas and …, 2023 -
This work proposes a novel filter circuit model to design the high-order bandpass frequency
selective surfaces (FSSs) with quasi-elliptical filtering response and high out-of-band …

Substrate integrated waveguide L-shaped iris for realization of transmission zero and evanescent-mode pole

M Nosrati, M Daneshmand - IEEE Transactions on Microwave …, 2017 -
This paper investigates L-shaped iris (LSI) embedded in substrate integrated waveguide
(SIW) structures. A lumped element equivalent circuit is utilized to thoroughly discuss the iris …

Bandpass filters designed by transmission zero resonator pairs with proximity coupling

Q Xue, JY Jin - IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and …, 2017 -
The concept of transmission zero resonator pair (TZRP) is used in this paper. Based on this
TZRP, a new method to induce a passband is demonstrated, by which different types of …