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(57) ABSTRACT A system and method are provided for maintaining consis tent server-side state across a pool of collaborating servers with independent state repositories. When a …
D Shribman, O Vilenski - US Patent 10,659,562, 2020 - Google Patents
A method for fetching a content from a web server to a client device is disclosed, using tunnel devices serving as intermediate devices. The client device accesses an acceleration …
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Assignee: F5 Networks, Inc., Seattle, WA (US) Methods and apparatus provide an adaptive load balancer that (*) Notice: Subject I0 any disclaimer, the term OfIhiS presents a virtual …
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(57) ABSTRACT A System for generation of output from an on-line analytical processing System to user output devices that comprises a Service processor that processes at least …
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(58) Field of Search........................... 379/671, 76, 72,(57) ABSTRACT 379/8811'8812'8813' 8817'8818'20103 Amethod and system for telephone-based service utilization (56) …
M Zirngibl, A Patnaik, B Maass, H Eberle - US Patent 6,606,596, 2003 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A System and method for the creation and automatic deploy ment of personalized, dynamic and interactive voice Services, including information derived from on …