Language model-based pre-trained representations have become ubiquitous in natural language processing. They have been shown to significantly improve the performance of …
As social media booms, abusive online practices such as hate speech have unfortunately increased as well. As letters are often repeated in words used to construct social media …
S Yıldırım, T Yıldız - Research in Computing Science, 2015 -
A variety of applications on the problem of short-text messages require text normalization process that transforms ill-formed words into standard ones. Recently, many successful …
The ever-growing usage of social media platforms generates daily vast amounts of textual data which could potentially serve as a great source of information. Therefore, mining user …
L Nishimwe - Actes de CORIA-TALN 2023. Actes des 16e …, 2023 -
L'essor du traitement automatique des langues (TAL) se vit dans un monde où l'on produit de plus en plus de contenus en ligne. En particulier sur les réseaux sociaux, les textes …
Trafik sıkışıklıkları, kazalar, hatalı sürücüler, araç arızaları ve yol çalışmaları gibi durumlar hem sürücüler için hem de trafik yönetim birimleri için zaman ve para kaybına neden olan …