The generalized Ricci flow is a geometric evolution equation which has recently emerged from investigations into mathematical physics, Hitchin's generalized geometry program, and …
E Goldstein, S Prokushkin - Communications in mathematical physics, 2004 - Springer
For a given complex n-fold M we present an explicit construction of all complex (n+ 1)-folds which are principal holomorphic T 2-fibrations over M. For physical applications we consider …
Writing long books is a laborious and impoverishing act of foolishness: expanding in five hundred pages an idea that could be perfectly explained in a few minutes. A better …
GR Cavalcanti - arXiv preprint math/0501406, 2005 -
We produce examples of generalized complex structures on manifolds by generalizing results from symplectic and complex geometry. We produce generalized complex structures …
In this paper we provide examples of hypercomplex manifolds which do not carry HKT structures, thus answering a question in Grantcharov and Poon (Comm. Math. Phys. 213 …
Let (J, g) be a Hermitian structure on a six-dimensional compact nilmanifold M with invariant complex structure J and compatible metric g, which is not required to be invariant. We show …
We generalize Yau's estimates for the complex Monge-Ampère equation on compact manifolds in the case when the background metric is no longer Kähler. We prove C^∞ a …
I Agricola - arXiv preprint math/0606705, 2006 -
This review article intends to introduce the reader to non-integrable geometric structures on Riemannian manifolds and invariant metric connections with torsion, and to discuss recent …
A Fino, F Paradiso - Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 2023 - Elsevier
We study balanced Hermitian structures on almost abelian Lie algebras, ie on Lie algebras with a codimension-one abelian ideal. In particular, we classify six-dimensional almost …