[HTML][HTML] Review of rare earth element (REE) adsorption on and desorption from clay minerals: Application to formation and mining of ion-adsorption REE deposits

Z Wu, Y Chen, Y Wang, Y Xu, Z Lin, X Liang… - Ore Geology …, 2023 - Elsevier
Ion-adsorption rare earth elements (iREE) deposits are the globally predominant source of
heavy rare earth elements (HREE), which are mainly discovered and mined in southern …

Chemical Weathering, Atmospheric CO2, and Climate

LR Kump, SL Brantley, MA Arthur - Annual Review of Earth and …, 2000 - annualreviews.org
There has been considerable controversy concerning the role of chemical weathering in the
regulation of the atmospheric partial pressure of carbon dioxide, and thus the strength of the …

The effect of time on the weathering of silicate minerals: why do weathering rates differ in the laboratory and field?

AF White, SL Brantley - Chemical Geology, 2003 - Elsevier
The correlation between decreasing reaction rates of silicate minerals and increasing
duration of chemical weathering was investigated for both experimental and field conditions …

Weathering of the primary rock-forming minerals: processes, products and rates

MJ Wilson - Clay Minerals, 2004 - cambridge.org
This paper describes the ways in which the major rock-forming primary minerals (olivine,
pyroxenes, amphiboles, feldspars, micas and chlorites) break down during weathering, the …

Differential rates of feldspar weathering in granitic regoliths

AF White, TD Bullen, MS Schulz, AE Blum… - … et Cosmochimica Acta, 2001 - Elsevier
Differential rates of plagioclase and K-feldspar weathering commonly observed in bedrock
and soil environments are examined in terms of chemical kinetic and solubility controls and …

Strong tectonic and weak climatic control of long-term chemical weathering rates

CS Riebe, JW Kirchner, DE Granger… - Geology, 2001 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
The relationships among climate, physical erosion, and chemical weathering have remained
uncertain, because long-term chemical weathering rates have been difficult to measure …

Long-term rates of chemical weathering and physical erosion from cosmogenic nuclides and geochemical mass balance

CS Riebe, JW Kirchner, RC Finkel - Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2003 - Elsevier
Quantifying long-term rates of chemical weathering and physical erosion is important for
understanding the long-term evolution of soils, landscapes, and Earth's climate. Here we …

Factors influencing the release of plant nutrient elements from silicate rock powders: a geochemical overview

AD Harley, RJ Gilkes - Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 2000 - Springer
Rock-forming minerals of igneous and metamorphic rocks contain most of the nutrients
required by higher plants for growth and development. Ground rock fertilisers may provide a …

Reaction kinetics of primary rock-forming minerals under ambient conditions

SL Brantley - Treatise on geochemistry, 2003 - ui.adsabs.harvard.edu
Mineral dissolution kinetics influence such phenomena as development of soil fertility,
amelioration of the effects of acid rain, formation of karst, acid mine drainage, transport and …

Surface area and porosity of primary silicate minerals

SL Brantley, NP Mellott - American Mineralogist, 2000 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Surface area is important in quantifying mineral-water reaction rates. Specific surface area
(SSA) was measured to investigate controls on this parameter for several primary silicate …