It is well known that 'an almost complex structure'J that is J2=− I on the manifold M is called 'an almost Hermitian manifold'(M, J, G) if G (JX, JY)= G (X, Y) and proved that (F2M, JD, GD) …
MN Islam Khan - Kyungpook Mathematical Journal, 2021 -
Earlier investigators have made detailed studies of geometric properties such as integrability, partial integrability, and invariants, such as the fundamental 2-form, of some …
We explore “the horizontal lift” of the structure J satisfying J2− αJ− βI= 0 and establish that it as a kind of metallic structure. An analysis of Nijenhuis tensor of metallic structure JH is …
Lifts of Metallic Structure on a Cross-Section Page 1 Filomat 36:18 (2022), 6369–6373 Published by Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University of Niš, Serbia Available at …
MNI Khan - Asian-European Journal of Mathematics, 2022 - World Scientific
It is well known that the tensor field J of type (1, 1) on the manifold M is an almost complex structure if J 2=− I, I is an identity tensor field and the manifold M is called the complex …
In this paper, we define and study two new structures on a differentiable manifold called by us an f (a, b)(3, 2, 1)-structure and a framed f (a, b)(3, 2, 1)-structure as a generalization of …
Abstract We study Golden Riemannian manifolds having constant sectional curvatures. First of all, we observed that if the Golden manifold has a constant (real) sectional curvature, then …
In this work, we have characterized the frame bundle FM admitting metallic structures on almost quadratic ϕ-manifolds ϕ 2= p ϕ+ q I− q η⊗ ζ, where p is an arbitrary constant and q is …
This paper aims to explore the metallic structure J 2= p J+ q I, where p and q are natural numbers, using complete and horizontal lifts on the tangent bundle TM over almost …