Crisis informatics in the context of social media crisis communication: Theoretical models, taxonomy, and open issues

UA Bukar, MA Jabar, F Sidi, RNHB Nor… - IEEE …, 2020 -
The involvement application and use of crisis and emergency management and
communication are increasing rapidly. This study conducts a systematic literature review to …

Awareness supporting technologies used in collaborative systems: a systematic literature review

G Lopez, LA Guerrero - Proceedings of the 2017 ACM conference on …, 2017 -
Since the establishment of Computer Supported Collaborative Work as a research area,
computer advances have change the paradigm of how technology is applied to improve the …

Global mapping of citizen science projects for disaster risk reduction

A Hicks, J Barclay, J Chilvers, MT Armijos… - Frontiers in Earth …, 2019 -
Citizen science for disaster risk reduction (DRR) holds huge promise and has demonstrated
success in advancing scientific knowledge, providing early warning of hazards, and …

How social ties influence hurricane evacuation behavior

D Metaxa-Kakavouli, P Maas, DP Aldrich - Proceedings of the ACM on …, 2018 -
Natural disasters bring enormous costs every year, both in terms of lives and materials.
Evacuation from potentially affected areas stands out among the most critical factors that can …

A cyber-physical system for wildfire detection and firefighting

P Battistoni, AA Cantone, G Martino, V Passamano… - Future Internet, 2023 -
The increasing frequency and severity of forest fires necessitate early detection and rapid
response to mitigate their impact. This project aims to design a cyber-physical system for …

Cognition-driven navigation assistive system for emergency indoor wayfinding (CogDNA): proof of concept and evidence

T Zhou, P Xia, Q Zhu, J Du - Safety science, 2023 - Elsevier
Attributed to the advances in sensing and visualization technologies, novel wayfinding
assistive systems are becoming more accessible such as the augmented reality (AR)-based …

A bibliometric analysis of emergency management using information systems (2000-2016)

HS Du, X Ke, SKW Chu, LT Chan - Online Information Review, 2017 -
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to present a statistical analysis of research into
emergency management (EM) using information systems (IS) for the period 2000-2016 …

Training emergency responders through augmented reality mobile interfaces

M Sebillo, G Vitiello, L Paolino, A Ginige - Multimedia Tools and …, 2016 - Springer
In the domain of emergency management, in addition to the constant technical skill-upgrade
required by the nature of the humanitarian context, the importance of an appropriate training …

How advanced technological approaches are reshaping sustainable social media crisis management and communication: a systematic review

UA Bukar, F Sidi, MA Jabar, RNH Nor, S Abdullah… - Sustainability, 2022 -
The end goal of technological advancement used in crisis response and recovery is to
prevent, reduce or mitigate the impact of a crisis, thereby enhancing sustainable recovery …

[HTML][HTML] A citizen-centric approach for the improvement of territorial services management

M Sebillo, G Vitiello, M Grimaldi… - … International Journal of …, 2020 -
In the last decade, there has been a growing awareness that the involvement of citizens in
decision making can produce an immediate and positive impact on actions to be taken, as …