T Newbold - Progress in physical geography, 2010 - journals.sagepub.com
To conserve biodiversity, it is necessary to understand how species are distributed and which aspects of the environment determine distributions. In large parts of the world and for …
Species distribution models (SDMs) are widely used to predict the occurrence of species. Because SDMs generally use presence‐only data, validation of the predicted distribution …
The MaxEnt software package is one of the most popular tools for species distribution and environmental niche modeling, with over 1000 published applications since 2006. Its …
Preparation of landslide susceptibility map is the first step for landslide hazard mitigation and risk assessment. The main aim of this study is to explore potential applications of two …
Aim Species distribution models (SDM s) are common tools in biogeography and conservation ecology. It has been repeatedly claimed that aggregated (stacked) SDM s (S …
Predictive habitat models are increasingly being used by conservationists, researchers and governmental bodies to identify vulnerable ecosystems and species' distributions in areas …
Understanding species distributions and the factors limiting them is an important topic in ecology and conservation, including in nature reserve selection and predicting climate …
There is growing interest among conservationists in biodiversity mapping based on stacked species distribution models (SSDM s), a method that combines multiple individual species …
En los últimos años se ha generalizado una nueva herramienta que permite analizar objetivamente los patrones espaciales de presencia de organismos: los modelos de …