How 'gangsters' become jihadists: Bourdieu, criminology and the crime–terrorism nexus

J Ilan, S Sandberg - European Journal of Criminology, 2019 -
A background in 'ordinary'crime, violence and drug use seems to characterize many
European individuals recently involved in ISIS-related jihadi violence. With its long tradition …

The conceptualization of gangs: Changing the focus

D Wegerhoff, L Dixon, T Ward - Aggression and violent behavior, 2019 - Elsevier
Discussions about the gang construct and appropriate definitions have been pervasive
throughout gang research. This paper seeks to shed light on these discussions by adopting …

The street-jihadi spectrum: Marginality, radicalization, and resistance to extremism

S Sandberg, S Tutenges, J Ilan - European Journal of …, 2024 -
For over a decade, jihadi terrorism in Europe, and the recruitment of Europeans to fight for
ISIS in Syria, have increasingly involved marginalized youths from a social context of street …

Alt‐right gangs and far‐right extremists: From the margins to the mainstream

M Valasik, SE Reid - Sociology compass, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
The continued public presence of far‐right groups, particularly alt‐right gangs (eg, Proud
Boys) participating in mass demonstrations and protests across the United States has made …

Confluences of street culture and jihadism: The spatial, bodily, and narrative dimensions of radicalization

M Linge, S Sandberg, S Tutenges - Terrorism and political violence, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Research on the new crime-terror nexus has focused on examining the confluences of
criminal and jihadist milieus. This article contributes to this research, using insights from …

Examining the physical manifestation of alt-right gangs: From online trolling to street fighting

SE Reid, M Valasik, A Bagavathi - Gangs in the era of internet and social …, 2020 - Springer
This chapter explores how social media have allowed Alt-Right gangs to advance not only
their ideology and subculture online, but to facilitate organizing in the physical world …

[PDF][PDF] Katujengi rikosoikeudellisesti määriteltynä järjestäytyneenä rikollisryhmänä

M Forss - Edilex, 2023 -
1 JOHDANTO Katujengi-ilmiö nousi laajemmin julkiseen keskusteluun loppuvuonna 2021,
jolloin poliisi kertoi estäneensä katujengien välisen yhteenoton ravintola Kaivohuoneella. 1 …

Gang members and extremists in Switzerland: Similarities and differences

S Haymoz, D Baier, C Jacot… - European journal of …, 2023 -
Scholars rarely compare youth gangs members and extremists. Yet, studies of gangs can
yield relevant information on extremist groups, and vice versa. This article compares youth …

Understanding gangs: Developing an epistemically pluralist framework for gang research

D Wegerhoff - 2022 -
Gangs are associated with a range of social, criminal, and economic harms. Yet, after almost
a century of dedicated research, the development of effective and ethical responses to such …

Becoming a skinhead: An ethnobiography of brutalized life and reflective violence

J Beauchez - The Sociological Review, 2021 -
This article paints the portrait of Yvan, a skinhead who lived in close proximity to the streets
and to life at the margins, with all its attendant violence, before dying at the age of 28. While …