Did Trajan really deserve his reputation as the embodiment of all imperial virtues? Why did Dante, writing in the Middle Ages, place him in the sixth sphere of Heaven among the Just …
This groundbreaking history of Spain in late antiquity sheds new light on the fall of the western Roman empire and the emergence of medieval Europe. Historian Michael …
In the context of the general history of Roman civilisation, the history of the Roman army is privileged. The importance that the Roman state granted to the army and the soldiers' and …
Abstract The Saecular Games are considered one of the best-testified religious festivals of ancient Rome. The most significant source are two inscriptions, the Acta augustea and the …
La noblesse de l'Empire romain : les masques et la vertu / Christophe Badel Page 1 Page 2 ÉPOQUES EST UNE COLLECTION DIRIGÉE PAR JOËL CORNETTE Illustration de couverture …
The transition process of the Roman city between the Early Roman period and Late Antiquity is difficult to understand due to the absence of urban models and the decline in epigraphy …
Die Monographie leistet am Beispiel der Iberischen Halbinsel einen Beitrag zur Geschichte der Herrschaftsausubung Roms in den Provinzen. Sie konzentriert sich damit auf eine …
Unearthed in 1528 at Lyon, the Tabula Lugdunensis preserves the longest speech of a Roman emperor to survive in epigraphic form. In AD 48 Claudius addressed the senate to …