The efficient generation, accurate detection, and detailed physical tracking of energetic electrons are of applied interest for high harmonics generation, electron-impact …
Plasmonic metasurfaces are widely proposed as means to enhance nonlinear light-matter interactions in optical devices, mediated by an extreme form of field localisation. In the …
Abstract Die Wechselwirkung zwischen Licht und Nanoteilchen führt zu einer lokalen Verstärkung des elektromagnetischen Feldes auf der Teilchenoberfläche. Im Regime der …
In this dissertation, numerical models have been developed to investigate strong-field photoemission and attosecond streaking spectroscopy from plasmonic nanoparticles …
Nanoparticles and nanodroplets are highly relevant in many fields of science. In chemistry, nanoparticles are widely used for separation [1–3], enrichment [4–6] and catalysis [7–9] …