Сетевая парадигма международного частного права: контурирование концепции

МВ Мажорин - Актуальные проблемы российского права, 2019 - cyberleninka.ru
Современное общество характеризуется в качестве сетевого, что порождает
необходимость переосмысления его надстройки права в логике сетевой парадигмы …

The Development of the Principles of Agreement in Cross Border Contract Amid COVID-19 Outbreak

H Indriyati, IR Maruf, PC Nugraha - International Seminar on …, 2024 - atlantis-press.com
Cross-border contracts can be more complicated than domestic contracts because they must
adhere to the laws and regulations of multiple countries, including those governing taxation …

Network paradigm of private international law: concept contouring

MV Mazhorina - Actual problems of Russian law, 2019 - aprp.msal.ru
Modern society is characterized as a network, which makes it necessary to rethink its
superstructure—law—in the logic of the network paradigm of scientific knowledge. At the …

International Institute For The Unification Of Private Law

UP Gruber - Handbook of Transnational Economic Governance …, 2010 - brill.com
The International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT) is an independent
intergovernmental organization with its seat in Rome. The purpose of UNIDROIT, as laid …