Autism spectrum disorder (ASD), which since 2013 is considered as an umbrella term for several disorders such as autistic syndrome, Asperger's disorder and pervasive …
Remote monitoring of patients is considered as one of the reliable alternatives to healthcare solutions for elderly and/or chronically ill patients. Further, monitoring interaction with people …
S Alves, A Marques, C Queirós, V Orvalho - PsychNology Journal, 2013 -
This paper presents the LIFEisGAME prototype-Ipad version–a serious game that proposes to enhance facial and emotional recognition skills in children with Autism Spectrum …
AA Navan, A Khaleghi - Revista científica, 2020 -
This study was conducted with a pre-test-post-test design with a control group in which participants were divided into two experimental (ten persons) and control (ten persons) …
Emotion recognition is essential in human communication and social interaction. Children with autism have been reported to exhibit deficits in understanding and expressing …
Abstract Children in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are characterized by impairments in social skills and they usually face difficulties in recognizing facial emotion expressions. Early …
Different studies explore the use of electronic screen media to train specific social skills, since they provide visual elements which are well accepted by children with ASD. However …
The recognition of facial expressions is important for the perception of emotions. Understanding emotions is essential in human communication and social interaction …
A Drigas, C Papoutsi - … Contributions from Engineering, Science & IT …, 2016 -
Information and Communication Technology is part of almost everyone's everyday life in a variety of ways and in many fields. All people should have access to ICTs including those …