Dificuldades e desafios do processo de aprendizagem de algoritmos e programação no ensino superior: Uma revisão sistemática de literatura

CGB Morais, FMM Neto, AJM Osório - Research, Society and …, 2020 - rsdjournal.org
Learning to program is often a challenge for students: each student has their individual
difficulties and teachers need to identify them in order to provide the necessary support to …

Ensino e aprendizagem de programação: estudo de caso no Ensino Superior

CGB Morais - 2022 - search.proquest.com
O processo de ensino e aprendizagem de programação é uma tarefa complexa que coloca
desafios importantes a docentes e discentes. Ensinar a programar exige do professor uma …

[PDF][PDF] Modeling students' ability to recognize and review graded answers that require immediate attention

YV Paredes, IH Hsiao - … of the 30th International Conference on …, 2022 - icce2022.apsce.net
Students utilize various resources to prepare for an examination, such as lecture materials,
homework, or previous quizzes or tests. Reviewing graded tests allows students to develop …

Can Students Learn from Grading Erroneous Computer Programs?

YV Paredes, IH Hsiao - 2021 International Conference on …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Learning from erroneous examples involves the intentional inclusion of errors as part of the
learning process. Prior works, mostly from the field of mathematics, have investigated how …

Uncovering Latent Profiles Based on How Students Review Paper-Based Assessments

YV Paredes, IH Hsiao - Technology-Enhanced Learning for a Free, Safe …, 2021 - Springer
Blended learning environments offer a rich amount of data that encompasses various
learning interactions. Despite advancements in technology, there have been several …