This study investigates various economic factors' impact in determining the relationship between functional income distribution and aggregate demand from both a theoretical and …
Abstract The Poverty percentage in Central Java ranked two throughout Java Island after DI Yogyakarta Province. It surely causes gaps and inequality between regions in Central Java …
Z Abdioğlu, N Yamak, R Yamak - Journal of Mehmet Akif Ersoy …, 2019 -
Kuznets hipotezi, ekonomik gelişme ile gelir dağılımı eşitsizliği arasında çan-eğrisi biçiminde bir ilişki olduğunu öne sürmektedir. Bu çalışmada Kuznets' in ters U eğrisi hipotezi …
This dissertation examines the relationship between development aid and human development in recipient countries. The primary function of this research is to determine …
This study aims to determine the effect of economic growth, population, industrialization, energy consumption and fossil fuel consumption of CO2 emissions in G-20 countries. Panel …
Bu çalışmada iki orta gelir düzeyindeki ülke olan Endonezya ve Türkiye'nin GSYİH'sini tahmin edilmesi ve belirlenmesi ile orta gelir tuzağından kaçınma becerisini incelenmesi …
Economic growth is often only experienced by certain actors or households, causing income inequality. Economic growth is also synonymous with CO2 emissions. Economic growth will …
ED Ramstetter, J Anjanappa - The Case of Selected Asian …, 2019 -
Structural change is vital for economic growth and development in an economy, but it's often associated with rising inequality. Whereas, the philosophy of inclusive growth as per …