Water column structure defines vertical habitat of twelve pelagic predators in the South Atlantic

DJ Madigan, AJ Richardson, AB Carlisle… - ICES Journal of …, 2021 - academic.oup.com
Quantifying vertical distributions of pelagic predators elucidates pelagic ecosystem structure
and informs fisheries management. In the tropical South Atlantic Ocean, the recently …

Diel activity of littoral and epipelagic teleost fishes in the Mediterranean Sea

E Arndt, J Evans - Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 2022 - Springer
Diel activity patterns are an important aspect of behavioural ecology, yet summarising works
on diel activity patterns of fishes are lacking for several regions of the world, including the …

Sailfish migrations connect productive coastal areas in the West Atlantic Ocean

CH Lam, B Galuardi, A Mendillo, E Chandler… - Scientific reports, 2016 - nature.com
Abstract Isla Mujeres, Mexico is home to one of the most well-known aggregations of sailfish.
Despite its fisheries prominence, little is known about this sailfish assemblage, or its …

Spatio‐temporal trends of sailfish, Istiophorus platypterus catch rates in relation to spawning ground and environmental factors in the equatorial and southwestern …

BL Mourato, F Hazin, K Bigelow, M Musyl… - Fisheries …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Spatial and temporal trends of sailfish catch rates in the southwestern and equatorial A
tlantic O cean in relation to environmental variables were investigated using generalized …

Genetic diversity and population structure of Indo-Pacific sailfish Istiophorus platypterus in the eastern Pacific

GG Rubio-Castro, C Quiñonez-Velázquez… - Fisheries science, 2016 - Springer
Population genetics provides information for the management and conservation of species,
because it supports the delimitation of population units. A mitochondrial DNA marker was …

Environmental and spatial effects on the size distribution of sailfish in the Atlantic ocean

BL Mourato, HG Hazin, C Wor… - Ciencias …, 2010 - cienciasmarinas.com.mx
Generalized regression analysis and spatial prediction (GRASP) was applied to size data for
sailfish (Istiophorus platypterus) to better describe its preferential habitats in relation to …


蔡政南 - 2014 - tdr.lib.ntu.edu.tw
過去漁業資源的利用與評估著重於單一魚種的管理模式, 為資源永續利用, FAO
提出以生態系為基準之漁業管理方式, 其漁業管理方式需考慮物種間的營養階層結構與能量流 …

Efectos ambientales y espaciales en la distribución de tallas del pez vela en el Océano Atlántico

BL Mourato, HG Hazin, C Wor, P Travassos… - Ciencias …, 2010 - scielo.org.mx
Se aplicó un análisis de regresión generalizado y predicción espacial (GRASP) para
describir las preferencias de hábitat de jóvenes y adultos del pez vela (Istiophorus …

Novo registro de agulhão-vela (Istiophorus platypterus) na costa de Arraial do Cabo, Estado do Rio de Janeiro, sudeste do Brasil

R Cumplido, MT Rodrigues, EBF Netto… - Natureza …, 2023 - naturezaonline.com.br
Em 13 de junho de 2019, durante atividade de pesca de arrasto de praia realizada na Praia
Grande, em Arraial do Cabo, costa leste do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, um espécime de …

Registro de agulhão-vela (Istiophorus platypterus) na costa de Arraial do Cabo, Estado do Rio de Janeiro, sudeste do Brasil

MT Rodrigues, R Cumplido… - Natureza …, 2021 - naturezaonline.com.br
Registro de agulhão-vela (Istiophorus platypterus) na costa de Arraial do Cabo, Estado do Rio
de Janeiro, sudeste do Brasil Sai Page 1 Copyright© mar 2021 - mai 2021_ do(s) autor(es) …