With its rich foundation stories, Philadelphia may be the most important city in America's collective memory. By the middle of the eighteenth century William Penn's" greene countrie …
BY TRACING George Washington's deliberate development from colonial planter and soldier to republican icon, Paul Longmore answers the riddle of Washington's simultaneous …
Chronicles the identities and importance of civilians to the American Revolutionary War effort Belonging to the Army reveals the identity and importance of the civilians now referred …
In July 1776, the final group of more than 130 ships of the Royal Navy sailed into the waters surrounding New York City, marking the start of seven years of British occupation that …
In the first edition of this book, I stated that people would be surprised at how many important recent events I had omitted. While such happenings have great import now, I explained that …
This is the story of saltpeter, the vital but mysterious substance craved by governments from the Tudors to the Victorians as an'inestimable treasure.'National security depended on …
Rather than focusing on why the states did not contribute to the national government under the Articles of Confederation, Collective Action under the Articles of Confederation asks why …
A unique and revealing analysis of the diverse body that made up the American revolutionary army One of the images Americans hold most dear is that of the drum-beating …