Graph clustering via a discrete uncoupling process

S Van Dongen - SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 2008 - SIAM
A discrete uncoupling process for finite spaces is introduced, called the Markov Cluster
Process or the MCL process. The process is the engine for the graph clustering algorithm …

Near-optimal node clustering in wireless sensor networks for environment monitoring

D Xia, N Vlajic - 21st international conference on advanced …, 2007 -
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) for environment monitoring consist of a large number of
low-cost battery-powered sensors nodes, densely deployed throughout a remote or …

Cluster validity indices for graph partitioning

F Boutin, M Hascoët - Proceedings. Eighth International …, 2004 -
The aim of graph clustering is to define compact and well-separated clusters from a given
graph. Cluster's compactness depends on datasets and clustering methods. In order to …

DESENT: Decentralized and distributed semantic overlay generation in P2P networks

C Doulkeridis, K Norvag… - IEEE Journal on Selected …, 2007 -
The current approach in web searching, ie, using centralized search engines, rises issues
that question their future applicability: 1) coverage and scalability, 2) freshness, and 3) …

Perceptually transparent information hiding in G. 729 bitstream

L Liu, M Li, Q Li, Y Liang - 2008 International Conference on …, 2008 -
In this paper a information hiding algorithm applied to compressed speech bitstream is
proposed. Covering codes are used to hide information in the least important bits in G. 729 …

A tailorable environment for assessing the quality of deployment architectures in highly distributed settings

M Mikic-Rakic, S Malek, N Beckman… - … Working Conference, CD …, 2004 - Springer
A distributed software system's deployment architecture can have a significant impact on the
system's properties. These properties will depend on various system parameters, such as …

A decentralization approach for swarm intelligence algorithms in networks applied to multi swarm PSO

S Janson, D Merkle, M Middendorf - International Journal of …, 2008 -
Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to present an approach for the decentralization of
swarm intelligence algorithms that run on computing systems with autonomous components …

Node clustering based on link delay in p2p networks

W Zheng, S Zhang, Y Ouyang, F Makedon… - Proceedings of the 2005 …, 2005 -
Peer-to-peer (P2P) has become an important computing model because of its adaptation,
self-organization and autonomy etc. But efficient organization of the nodes in P2P networks …

Decentralized clustering in pure P2P overlay networks using schelling's model

A Singh, M Haahr - 2007 IEEE International Conference on …, 2007 -
Clustering involves arranging a P2P overlay network's topology so that peers having certain
characteristics are grouped together as neighbors. Clustering can be used to organize a …

A k-clique based clustering protocol for resource discovery in p2p network

TRK Prasad, P Jayakumar… - … Conference on Advances …, 2018 -
Data transfer amongst peers in a network without a central authority to regulate traffic, is on
the ascendancy in the recent years. In this paper, we propose a k-clique based overlay …