America needs a healthy workforce to sustain the country. The scourge of obesity continues to plague Americans despite government initiatives such as the Affordable Care Act and …
Positive psychology focuses on the promotion of well-being (Seligman, & Csikszentmihalyi, 2000). Positive psychology interventions (PPIs) have been developed to help facilitate the …
For many years, Physical Activity Instruction (PAI) courses have been a staple in higher education curricular programming, viewed as a necessity to enhance the overall knowledge …
Obesity rates across college campuses are rising. Health habits, such as exercise, acquired during the college years tend to carry on through the rest of an individual's life. The purpose …
C Fennell, H Gerhart, Y Seo, K Hauge - 2016 -
A large body of research has recently emerged regarding the lack of physical activity among varied populations (Troiano, Berrigan, Dodd et al., 2008; Martinez-Gonzalez, Varo, Santos …
[引用][C]Estado nutricional en estudiantes de educación física asociado al nivel de riesgo cardiovascular, los hábitos alimentarios y el nivel de actividad física