Reputation-based strategy for forwarding and responding to interests over a content centric network

P Mahadevan, GC Scott - US Patent 9,729,616, 2017 - Google Patents
A CCN network node use reputation values for one or more interfaces to determine how to
forward an Interest. During operation, the network node can receive an Interest or Content …

System and method for efficient name-based content routing using link-state information in information-centric networks

JJ Garcia-Luna-Aceves - US Patent 10,003,520, 2018 - Google Patents
One embodiment of the present invention provides a system for updating link-status
information associated with a prefix in an information-centric network (ICN). During …

Service discovery using collection synchronization with exact names

ME Mosko - US Patent 9,473,576, 2016 - Google Patents
Root HASH 122 COLLECTIONNAME 124 ment includes a service record corresponding to
the remote device. The local device updates its local manifest, in response to determining …

CCN routing using hardware-assisted hash tables

ME Mosko, I Solis - US Patent 9,590,948, 2017 - Google Patents
2014/O108474 A1 4, 2014 David EP 2299754 A1 3f2011 2014/O115037 A1 4/2014 Liu EP
2323346 5, 2011 2014/O122587 A1 5, 2014 Petker EP 255.2083 1, 2013 2014/012973.6 A1 …

Gateways and routing in software-defined manets

ME Mosko, JJ Garcia-Luna-Aceves - US Patent 10,098,051, 2018 - Google Patents
One embodiment provides a mobile wireless network that includes a plurality of wireless
nodes and a controller node which manages a weighted network graph for the plurality of …

Probabilistic lazy-forwarding technique without validation in a content centric network

P Mahadevan, GC Scott - US Patent 9,729,662, 2017 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A network node can use reputation values to determine when to forego
validating a cached Content Objects authenticity. During operation, the network node can …

Content object return messages in a content centric network

CA Wood - US Patent 10,103,989, 2018 - Google Patents
One embodiment provides a system that indicates conditions associated with received
content. During operation, the system generates, by a first computing device, an interest …

Explicit content deletion commands in a content centric network

CA Wood, GC Scott - US Patent 9,912,776, 2018 - Google Patents
One embodiment provides a system that deletes cached content. During operation, the
system generates, by a content producing device, a content object packet that includes a …

Content-based transport security

ME Mosko, E Uzun - US Patent 9,954,678, 2018 - Google Patents
A computer system can send a secure request over a named-data network to a remote
device by generating an Interest with encrypted name components. During operation, the …

Flexible command and control in content centric networks

CA Wood, GC Scott - US Patent 10,075,402, 2018 - Google Patents
One embodiment provides a transport-framework system that facilitates command messages
to be communicated in a layer-agnostic manner. During operation, the system generates, by …