This paper investigates how knowledge management (KM) practices improve the financial performance of global start-ups (GSs). Using a database of 114 global innovative Italian start …
Despite growing concern in the social innovation (SI) literature about the tackling of grand challenges, our understanding of the role of multinational enterprises (MNEs) remains in its …
B Hearn, L Oxelheim, T Randøy - International Business Review, 2023 - Elsevier
Based on resource dependence theory we argue for an influence of business groups (BGs) on the board composition of constituent offshore financial multinational enterprises (FMNEs) …
This paper explores lateral knowledge transfer within the multinational enterprise, ie knowledge flow between an affiliate and its sibling affiliates, and we consider how the …
Newer subsidiaries of a multinational enterprise (MNE) in a foreign (host) country will rarely possess the knowledge required for its performance. As such, a newer subsidiary will learn …
B Hearn - Journal of International Management, 2022 - Elsevier
Using a unique sample of 171 listed firms in the Caribbean region, this paper explores the influence of post-entry ownership of foreign MNEs on the board composition of subsidiaries …
T Hutzschenreuter, PL Harhoff - International Business Review, 2021 - Elsevier
In forming external networks in a host country, a foreign subsidiary acquires knowledge which contributes to the parent's stock of country-specific knowledge and capabilities …
C Irene, M Sewak, R Trivedi - 2024 -
Despite growing concern in the social innovation (SI) literature about the tackling of grand challenges, our understanding of the role of multinational enterprises (MNEs) remains in its …