An argument that the word order of a given language is largely predictable from independently observable facts about its phonology and morphology. Languages differ in …
There is a tension between Chomsky's recent Minimalist theory and the cartographic program initiated by Cinque. Cinque's cartography argues for a large number of fine-grained …
We argue for a uniformly upward-probing implementation of Agree (Upward Agree, UA), showing that it can account for a wide range of long-distance agreement phenomena …
This dissertation examines the question of why there should be different types of phrasal movement, with different syntactic and semantic properties. I develop the hypothesis that all …
T Biberauer, A Holmberg, I Roberts - Linguistic Inquiry, 2014 -
This article investigates the Final-over-Final Constraint (FOFC): a head-initial category cannot be the immediate structural complement of a head-final category within the same …
A wide-ranging generative analysis of the typology of possession sentences, solving long- standing puzzles in their syntax and semantics. A major question for linguistic theory …
S Wurmbrand - Minimalism and beyond, 2014 -
This paper proposes that morphological selection and subcategorization are derived from conditions on Merge, specifically the claim that Merge is only possible when it leads to …
Case is a conjectured syntactic property of noun phrases that accounts for aspects of their distribution and form that do not otherwise follow from their PF and LF content (Chomsky …
In this thesis, I examine some core grammatical phenomena-case licensing, agreement, the EPP-through the lens of the Bantu language Zulu. Zulu has a number of remarkable and …