A key component of working memory is the ability to remember multiple items simultaneously. To understand how the human brain maintains multiple items in memory …
The primary visual cortex contains a detailed map of the visual scene, which is represented according to multiple stimulus dimensions including spatial location, ocular dominance and …
Humans are able to track multiple objects at any given time in their daily activities—for example, we can drive a car while monitoring obstacles, pedestrians, and other vehicles …
The visual system is constantly bombarded with information originating from the outside world, but it is unable to process all the received information at any given time. In fact, the …
Astronomers and physicists noticed centuries ago that visual spatial resolution is higher for dark than light stimuli, but the neuronal mechanisms for this perceptual asymmetry remain …
Objective. Action potentials and local field potentials (LFPs) recorded in primary motor cortex contain information about the direction of movement. LFPs are assumed to be more robust to …
The primary visual cortex signals the onset of light and dark stimuli with ON and OFF cortical pathways. Here, we demonstrate that both pathways generate similar response increments …
The primary visual cortex of carnivores and primates is dominated by the OFF visual pathway and responds more strongly to dark than light stimuli. Here, we demonstrate that …
The unique hues—blue, green, yellow, red—form the fundamental dimensions of opponent- color theories, are considered universal across languages, and provide useful mental …