In this article, we focus on the scholarly and policy debate on autonomous weapon systems (AWS) and particularly on the objections to the use of these weapons which rest on jus ad …
The regulation of violence constitutes a complex and significant undertaking in any society. Rules that determine legitimate uses of violence not only structure behavior in a particular …
In the first weeks ofPresident Trump's administration, the Acting Attorney General was f red for ordering the Justice Department not to enforce a controversial Executive Order on …
The responsibility to protect (RtoP) is an important effort to explain when it is legitimate for a state or group of states to intervene, including by military force, to protect people in another …
Justice and the Just War Tradition articulates a distinctive understanding of the reasons that can justify war, of the reasons that cannot justify war, and of the role that those reasons …
R Dreveskracht - Buff. Hum. Rts. L. Rev., 2010 - HeinOnline
The Just War doctrine, the theoretical justification of how and when wars are fought, is no longer working. The doctrine has not yet been properly implemented because one cannot …
Public debates in the language of international law have occurred across the 20th and 21st centuries and have produced a popular form of international law that matters for …
J Gordon - Available at SSRN 4547181, 2023 -
Prison abolitionists stand for an “ethic.” The ethic rejects punishment of all kinds, as well as capitalism broadly understood. By focusing on their ethic, abolitionists mask strong …