Security event correlation approaches are necessary to detect and predict incremental threats such as multi-step or targeted attacks (advanced persistent threats) and other causal …
J Navarro, A Deruyver, P Parrend - Computers & Security, 2018 - Elsevier
Since the beginning of the Internet, cyberattacks have threatened users and organisations. They have become more complex concurrently with computer networks. Nowadays …
Grouping and clustering alerts for intrusion detection based on the similarity of features is referred to as structurally base alert correlation and can discover a list of attack steps …
Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) secure all kinds of IT infrastructures through automatic detection of malicious activities. Unfortunately, they are known to produce large numbers of …
Today, from information security perspective, prevention methods are not enough solely. Early Warning Systems (EWSs) are in the category of reactive methods. These systems are …
Alert correlation is a system which receives alerts from heterogeneous Intrusion Detection Systems and reduces false alerts, detects high level patterns of attacks, increases the …
Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) automatically analyze event logs and network traffic in order to detect malicious activity and policy violations. Because IDSs have a large number of …
R Shittu, A Healing, R Ghanea-Hercock… - Computers & …, 2015 - Elsevier
Event Correlation used to be a widely used technique for interpreting alert logs and discovering network attacks. However, due to the scale and complexity of today's networks …
Forecasting future attacks is a big challenge for network administrators because future is generally unknown. Nevertheless, some information about the future can help us make …