Journalism in transition. The professional identity of Swedish journalists

J Wiik - rapport nr.: Göteborgsstudier i journalistik och …, 2010 -
Is journalism going through 'de-professionalization'or is it just entering a new phase–taking
a different shape? And what is the meaning of professional ideals such as scrutiny and …

[图书][B] Mediatization of culture and everyday life

K Fast, A Kaun - 2014 -
The metaphor of culture as a 'field'(cf. Bourdieu 1984; 1993) has already been used in the
introduction above. As Stig Hjarvard (2008) has also suggested, it is particularly useful in …

[图书][B] Television audiences across the world: Deconstructing the ratings machine

J Bourdon, C Méadel - 2014 -
This book is the first to deal with the world composition of television ratings. It focuses on the
peoplemeter, a 25 year old technology which succeeds in homogenizing very different …

[图书][B] Transforming audiences. Patterns of individualization in television viewing

J Bjur - 2009 -
TRANSFORMING AUDIENCES is an enquiry into Patterns of Individualization in Television
Viewing. Central to the enquiry being performed is the linkage between television, as …

Desire lines: Towards a queer digital media phenomenology

M Tudor - 2018 -
This dissertation explores ways in which “queer digital media use” reorganizes and co-
produces senses of space, time, and queer being in contemporary Russia. Since Russia …

Imagined user modes: Media morality in everyday life

S Bengtsson - International Journal of Cultural Studies, 2012 -
This article deals with the moral dimensions of everyday media use. It discusses the values,
strategies and norms of the moral economy of media use in everyday life. First, it identifies …

Otrygghetens landskap. En kartläggning av otryggheten i stadsrummet och en analys av bakomliggande orsaker, med fokus på mediernas roll

G Sandstig - rapport nr.: Göteborgsstudier i journalistik och …, 2010 -
s. 130 Tillägg av mening som inleder första stycket under rubrik 6.2 Datainsamling, urval och
bortfall: Nedanstående är i huvudsak hämtat från metodkapitlet i Väst-SOM undersökningen …

[图书][B] Smaken för nyheter: klasskillnader i det digitala medielandskapet

J Lindell - 2018 -
Nordicom är ett oberoende kunskapscenter vid Göteborgs universitet som arbetar med att
samla in och förmedla forskning och fakta som rör medier och kommunikation i Sverige och …

FASHIONABLE POLITICS The discursive construction of ethical consumerism in corporate communications, news media, and social media

J Arnesson - 2018 -
This thesis investigates the discursive construction of ethical consumerism–a notion that
encompasses both 'conscious' consumption choices and responsible'corporate activities–in …

[图书][B] Bilden av psykiatriområdet. Nyhetsrapporteringen i Rapport 1980-2006

AS Magnusson - 2010 -
” En sån tur jag har haft idag”, sa min systerdotter Hanna belåtet en sommareftermiddag.
Som svar på min förvånade fråga om vad i allsin dar hon hade varit med om, berättade hon …