The physics of skyrmions, and in particular the issue of how to isolate and manipulate them individually, is a subject of major importance nowadays in the community of magnetism. In …
Vortex matter in type-II superconductors is a model complex system belonging to the vast ensemble of disordered elastic media. In all these systems, depinning occurs when an …
The hexatic fluid refers to a phase in between a solid and a liquid that has short-range positional order but quasi-long-range orientational order. In the celebrated theory of …
Disordered hyperuniform materials with vanishing long-wavelength density fluctuations are attracting attention due to their unique physical properties. In these systems, the large-scale …
We report the formation of a pinned vortex liquid spanning a very large region of the magnetic field-temperature parameter space in a 5-nm-thick amorphous superconducting …
Disordered hyperuniformity is a state of matter exhibiting both isotropic liquid-like properties and crystalline-like properties such as minimal density fluctuations over long distances …
When a magnetic field is applied on a conventional type-II superconductor, the superconducting state gets destroyed at the upper critical field, H c 2, where the normal …
Order-disorder transitions between glassy phases are common in nature and yet a comprehensive survey on the entailed structural changes is challenging since the …
Adding impurities or defects destroys crystalline order. Occasionally, however, extraordinary behaviour emerges that cannot be explained by perturbing the ordered state. One example …