How do stereotypes harm older adults? A theoretical explanation for the perpetration of elder abuse and its rise

BF Shepherd, PM Brochu - Aggression and Violent Behavior, 2021 - Elsevier
Mounting research shows that older adults who experience abuse are at elevated risk for a
wide range of negative health and well-being outcomes. Yet, even as the older adult …

An experimental study of mindfulness and acceptance-based skills for internalized ageism in older adults and college students

EG Lester, AR Murrell - Aging & Mental Health, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
Abstract Objectives Older adults (OA; 65+) can become cognitively fused with negative
attitudes and stereotypes. Given the verbal nature of ageist stereotypes, mindfulness and …

Sexual scripts and narrative therapy with older couples

B Muruthi, M McCoy, J Chou… - The American Journal of …, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
Sexual scripts are socially constructed guidelines that purportedly determine sequencing of
individual sexual behavior. For older adults' sexual scripts are often ageist, perceiving them …

Counseling women and girls: Introduction to empowerment feminist therapy

JE Schwarz - Counseling women across the life span …, 2017 -
Why counseling women and girls? Why not just counseling people? Why the need for a
specific focus on this half of the population? There are many answers to these questions …

[图书][B] A Clinician's Guide to Systemic Sex Therapy

N Gambescia, GR Weeks, KM Hertlein - 2015 -
The second edition of A Clinician's Guide to Systemic Sex Therapy has been completely
revised, updated, and expanded. This volume is written for beginning psychotherapy …

[图书][B] Gender, power, and global social justice: The healing power of psychotherapy

M Daneshpour - 2022 -
This book analyses how practitioners can use psychotherapy as a healing mechanism,
focusing on the intersection of gender, power, and social justice within the global context. It …

Factors Associated with the Interpersonal Needs of Older Women.

K Kim, H Yoon - International Journal of Gerontology, 2023 -
Background: This study aims to confirm the relationship between depressive symptoms,
attitude toward aging, sense of community, and interpersonal needs, as well as identify …

Empoderamiento, participación en la toma de decisiones en salud y calidad de vida en mujeres adultas mayores con cáncer

LA Rodríguez Ramírez -
Introducción: La población de adultas mayores ha aumentado considerablemente en los
últimos años, así como también la prevalencia de cáncer en esta población. Objetivo …

La influencia del apoyo social: una contribución para el bienestar de cuidadores de personas con demencia

P Antelo Ameijeiras - 2020 -
Como una de las patologías de mayor relevancia en la salud pública del siglo XXI, la
demencia se caracteriza por un progresivo deterioro de las funciones cognitivas del …

Deconstruint la normativitat dels cossos: un programa d'intervenció psicosocial per abordar la vivència del cos en dones grans des d'una perspectiva de gènere

M Genover Estévez - 2017 -
A la nostra societat, existeix una producció de normativitat de les estètiques dels cossos
femenins, és a dir, una normalitat relativa a la forma i l'aspecte del cos de les dones, que …