Thermal adaptation: a theoretical and empirical synthesis

MJ Angilletta Jr - 2009 -
Temperature profoundly impacts both the phenotypes and distributions of organisms. These
thermal effects exert strong selective pressures on behaviour, physiology and life history …

Biodiversity and climate change: integrating evolutionary and ecological responses of species and communities

S Lavergne, N Mouquet, W Thuiller… - Annual review of …, 2010 -
Today's scientists are facing the enormous challenge of predicting how climate change will
affect species distributions and species assemblages. To do so, ecologists are widely using …

Eco‐evolution on the edge during climate change

CP Nadeau, MC Urban - Ecography, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
We urgently need to predict species responses to climate change to minimize future
biodiversity loss and ensure we do not waste limited resources on ineffective conservation …

On a collision course: competition and dispersal differences create no-analogue communities and cause extinctions during climate change

MC Urban, JJ Tewksbury… - Proceedings of the …, 2012 -
Most climate change predictions omit species interactions and interspecific variation in
dispersal. Here, we develop a model of multiple competing species along a warming …

Species interactions alter evolutionary responses to a novel environment

D Lawrence, F Fiegna, V Behrends, JG Bundy… - PLoS …, 2012 -
Studies of evolutionary responses to novel environments typically consider single species or
perhaps pairs of interacting species. However, all organisms co-occur with many other …

Rapid climate change and the rate of adaptation: insight from experimental quantitative genetics

RG Shaw, JR Etterson - New Phytologist, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
Evolution proceeds unceasingly in all biological populations. It is clear that climate‐driven
evolution has molded plants in deep time and within extant populations. However, it is less …

Evolution and community assembly across spatial scales

MA Leibold, L Govaert, N Loeuille… - Annual Review of …, 2022 -
The finding that adaptive evolution can often be substantial enough to alter ecological
dynamics challenges traditional views of community ecology that ignore evolution. Here, we …

Rapid evolution of quantitative traits: theoretical perspectives

M Kopp, S Matuszewski - Evolutionary Applications, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
An increasing number of studies demonstrate phenotypic and genetic changes in natural
populations that are subject to climate change, and there is hope that some of these …

Bacterial–fungal interactions promote parallel evolution of global transcriptional regulators in a widespread Staphylococcus species

CM Cosetta, B Niccum, N Kamkari, M Dente… - The ISME …, 2023 -
Experimental studies of microbial evolution have largely focused on monocultures of model
organisms, but most microbes live in communities where interactions with other species may …

Phenotypic plasticity and evolutionary demographic responses to climate change: taking theory out to the field

LM Chevin, S Collins, F Lefèvre - Functional Ecology, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Rapid climate change both imposes strong selective pressures on natural populations–
potentially reducing their growth rate and causing genetic evolution–and affects the …