MRS Gusar, KE Simanungkalit - … : Jurnal Ilmu Sosial …, 2021 -
The aimed of this research is to describe the code writing & the function in the community of Mobile Legend Bang Bang players and the specific terms which are used of that community …
FI Fatmawati, T Setiawan - Widyaparwa, 2019 -
This study aims to describe and assess the accuracy, naturalness test, and readability test of the translation of the “Munajat Cinta” lyrics in Indonesian into Javanese. The data taken are …
AR Pratiwi, N Yannuar… - Journal of Language and …, 2023 -
Figurative language is a way to captivate readers, expressed through writing in a more creative style. This research aims to find out and compare the translation techniques used by …
DE Sari - Prodi Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Universitas …, 2017 -
Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah novel Tembang Perawan Karya Yuni Retnowati. Data diperoleh dengan teknik membaca …
A Sutopo, H Farouk, RR Said - International Journal of Innovation …, 2020 -
This research aims at identifying the techniques of subtitling applied in the Pride and Prejudice film. This research is qualitative and the data sources of the research are …
Tujuan penelitian meliputi 3 hal yaitu (1) mencari apa sajakah jenis-jenis tindak tutur ekspresif,(2) menemukan bentuk interseksi (ketersinggungan) jenis tindak tutur, dan (3) …
This research discusses the quality of questioning response utterances found in the novel Me Before You and its translation. This aims to describe (1) the types of questioning …
Penelitian ini menganalisis bagaimana prosedur penerjemahan dilakukan pada Novel La Fille de Papier karya Guillaume Musso. Analisis dilakukan untuk mengetahui teknik …
Conversation is a way for people to communicate one to another. In a conversation, there is an exchange of words, sentences, expressions, information, thoughts, and ideas between …