Let K= Fq be a finite field with q elements and let X be a subset of a projective space Ps− 1, over the field K, parameterized by Laurent monomials. Let I (X) be the vanishing ideal of X …
J Rauh, T Kahle, N Ay - International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 2011 - Elsevier
The closure of a discrete exponential family is described by a finite set of equations corresponding to the circuits of an underlying oriented matroid. These equations are similar …
A model for statistical ranking is a family of probability distributions whose states are orderings of a fixed finite set of items. We represent the orderings as maximal chains in a …
J Rauh - IEEE transactions on information theory, 2011 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper investigates maximizers of the information divergence from an exponential family \calE. It is shown that the rI-projection of a maximizer P to \calE is a convex combination of P …
Let K be a field and let X (resp. X∗) be a subset of a projective space Ps− 1 (resp. affine space As), over the field K, parameterized by rational functions. Let I (X)(resp. I (X∗)) be the …
In this article, we study specializations of multigradings and apply them to the problem of the computation of the arithmetical rank of a lattice ideal IL 𝒢⊂ K [x 1,…, xn]. The arithmetical …
In this thesis, we first study the problem of determining set theoretic complete intersection (stci) projective monomial curves. We are also interested in finding the equations of the …
Presentamos aplicaciones del álgebra conmutativa a la teoría de códigos evaluación. Mostramos como se pueden calcular los parámetros básicos de los códigos evaluación …
Los ideales tóricos son un tipo particular de ideales del anillo de polinomios que están generados por diferencias de monomios (binomios), son primos y graduados. Su estudio es …