Ecological and evolutionary processes are affected by forces acting at both local and regional scales, yet our understanding of how these scales interact has remained limited …
Habitat fragmentation, an important element of current global change, has profound repercussions on population and species extinction. Landscape fragmentation reduces …
Dendritic landscapes can have ecological properties that differ importantly from simpler spatial arrangements of habitats. Most dendritic landscapes are structured by elevation, and …
There has been a recent rise in the number of experiments investigating the effect of dispersal on diversity, with many of the predictions for these tests derived from …
Seascape genetics is the study of how spatially variable structural and environmental features influence genetic patterns of marine organisms. Seascape genetics is conceptually …
Real patterns of ecological connectivity are seldom explicitly or systematically accounted for systematic conservation planning, in part because commonly used decision support systems …
Aim Recent efforts to apply the principles of systematic conservation planning to freshwater ecosystems have focused on the special connected nature of these systems as a way to …
Ocean currents are expected to be the predominant environmental factor influencing the dispersal of planktonic larvae or spores; yet, their characterization as predictors of marine …
The precarious state of many nearshore marine ecosystems has prompted the use of marine protected areas as a tool for management and conservation. However, there remains …